Member of the Week Chinatsu Washikita

Apr 13, 2024 | Featured Member, News

Chinatsu WashikitaChinatsu Washikita is based in Peru with her husband, two daughters, an
elderly dog, and seven cats. She majored in graphic design and illustration at a Japanese art university.

While attending private universities in Japan,
particularly art universities are expensive, but her mother is a fashion
designer, was supportive of her college education. This fueled her passion,
leading her to enthusiastically pursue her major and enjoy a fulfilling student

Simultaneously, she obtained her teaching license and, after graduating,
committed herself to teaching art to secondary school students. Drawing
from her experience, she passionately creates illustrations that not only
captivate visually but also incorporate educational elements. Her goal is to
bring joy to children all over the world through her artwork.


March 2024Love




WIP Process

 WIP video link (YouTube) :


AprilHappy New Year










© no artwork displayed can be used without permission of the artist, Chinatsu Washikita