Member of the Week Arden von Haeger

Apr 28, 2024 | Featured Member, News

Arden von HaegerArden von Haeger is a Professor of Illustration and Academic Lead for Study Abroad at Savannah College of Art and Design.

He grew up in central Pennsylvania, in the Harrisburg area. “My high school wasn’t known for its art program, but my teachers were still insisting I continue pursuing art and even go to art school, which to me was an out-of-this-world concept at the time. In my junior year, my art teacher invited people from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh to come to my school. They came back in my senior year, and by then it was starting to dawn on me that this art thing was something I might pursue as a profession. I ended up going to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and graduated first in my class. I immediately joined the workforce after I got my Associate in Visual Communications, but I did go back to school to obtain a BFA from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and later an MFA at the University of Hartford Art School.”

“I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t drawing. My love for the craft goes well back beyond where my memory can reach, but I always go back to the time in fourth grade when I entered an art contest and I drew a car from a model. But the model wasn’t actually a model car, it was an image of a model car where you could only see part of the car. My rendition caught my teacher’s attention, and from that moment on my teachers encouraged me to continue making art. Not that I needed any encouragement! Art, scribbles, and sketches flowed from me as naturally as breathing. It was just something I was always doing.”

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© no artwork displayed can be used without permission of the artist, Arden von Haeger and/or Anderson Design Group, Inc.