Member of the Week Amaryllis Graybill

Jun 22, 2024 | Featured Member, News

Amaryllis GraybillI’m a multimedia illustrator based in California. I’m an independent artist with art shown in convention spaces, galleries, and faires. I’ve worked with business clients on such things as animated app store videos, mascots, character illustrations, and comic art.

I’m currently a Master’s in Illustration candidate at Falmouth University in the UK. I graduated Cum Laude with my Bachelor’s in Studio Art from California State University, Sacramento.



Black and White Plus One

July Booth










Strawberry Plant CleanThe Fool Cat












Sheep Skull And FlowersMushroom Cottage














AfrogtheosisGothic Still in Oil













Graybill Cool Day on a River


© no artwork displayed can be used without permission of the artist, Amaryllis Graybill.