Meet the Illustration West 62 Award Winners: Sonja Stangl

May 18, 2024 | News

BRONZE AWARD Unpublished & Self-Promotional

Crowd-Sonja Stangl

Sonja StanglSonja Stangl is an award-winning illustrator and visual communicator, based in Vienna, Austria. She holds a degree in Multimedia Art and has always been interested in the interplay of different fields in the creative industries.

As an illustrator she works globally for big and small clients alike. Bringing her own visual language into children’s books, advertising, animation and illustrating packaging.

As an art director she loves putting together a team of freelancers and leading big projects like creating infographics & explainer videos for the complete exhibition of a Museum for sustainable energies.

She is always trying to find new ways to tell stories in engaging and interesting ways and evoke emotions with her illustrations through experimenting with moods and colours.

After a long time of mostly digital work, she has reconnected with her inner child by getting her fingers dirty and experimenting with ink. Like smearing her inky fingers over paper, printing leafs or rolling objects like tampons in ink and then making prints. This way she creates an interesting, texturous world in which she places her stylised characters.




