Meet the Illustration West 62 Award Winners: Sonia Alins

May 28, 2024 | News

SILVER AWARD Institutional

The Universe of Fruit

The Universe of Fruit WIP

With an artistic personality halfway between Surrealism and Romanticism, Sonia Alins develops a narrative where she addresses her personal reflections, usually tied to emotions and dreams. Thus, her art shows recurring references to femininity, feminism, motherhood, family or passage of time.

The protagonists in Sonia’s work are almost exclusively women. They connect us with the feminine iconography of the Romantic era, like Ingres’ odalisques or John Everett Millais’ Ophelia, the Art Déco movement (Tamara de Lempicka) or Gustav Klimt’s symbolism.

Sonia’s work has been published in the U.S., Japan, Scotland, Italy or Germany, and has been awarded in several international competitions. To name a few, two Gold Medals from Le Salon des Beaux Arts 2017 (SNBA, France), an Award of Excellence from the Communication Arts Illustration Annual 2019 and 2021(U.S.), a Gold Award from the Global Illustration Award 2018 (Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany) and a Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators of New York (2021).

Sona Alins

The Universe of Fruit

Sonia Alins


© no artwork displayed can be used without permission of the artist, Sonia Alins.