Meet the Illustration West 62 Award Winners: Kremena Chipilova

Jun 7, 2024 | News



I work in the areas of fantasy art and magical realism.

In my art, I like to include the promise of the supernatural, the encounter of something that is unknown, that attracts and maybe scares us. Sometimes I want to convey a strange feeling of disquiet.

I draw inspiration and ideas from a variety of sources – from the delicate beauty and mystery found in nature, to the fairy and folk tales, myths and legends of mankind. The exploration of these themes in literature captures my imagination and, combined with my personal experiences, evokes feelings that I want to put in my paintings.

Grimalkin is a name given to a cat, especially an old she-cat, but it can also be applied to a jealous or imperious old woman. The name Grimalkin has become associated with the devil and witchcraft and there are a lot of cats named Grimalkin in arts and literature.

In my painting I wanted to capture the close relationship between the woman (who may or may not be a witch) and her imperious cat (that does not want to be held right now). I also wanted to portray the pride the woman feels, and how she wants everyone to know that she has the best cat in existence – a feeling all us cat owners can relate to.


WIP Video:


Grimalkin framed

Grimalkin WIP











© no artwork displayed can be used without permission of the artist, Kremena Chipilova.