The class will be held at various locations as well as the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles Headquarters located at 5119 Eagle Rock Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. See Paypal link below for payment information.

Lesson Plan:

1- intro/ lesson about values and light/ simple value exercise – in studio
2- lesson about color/ gouache demo- still life practice – in studio
3- Eaton Canyon – on location
4- Vasquez – on location
5- Cal Tech – on location
6-Malibu – on location
7- Travel Town – on location
8- wrap up & show and tell of works/ party – in studio


This is an introductory class to plein air painting using either gouache or oil paint. Students will learn how to observe and edit the world around them. The class will focus on simplifying shapes, seeing accurate values and assigning colors to those values, as well as addressing playing warm colors off of cool colors to create a sense of vitality within the picture. Students will learn how to make a better painting by constantly comparing the visual elements: line, shape, value, color, texture and edges. The class will visit a variety of locations to study both architectural and natural subjects. While on location, students will also learn the importance of having a clear intention before and during the painting process.


Tiffanie Mang graduated from the University of Southern California with a major in Animation and Digital Arts, and currently works as a freelance visual development artist and illustrator. An avid plein air painter, always inspired by the outdoors, Tiffanie loves to find stories everywhere through color and light. She believes that film and interactive media can connect different cultures though great story telling, and she strives to bring those unique stories to life through her paintings.

Gouache Materials List:

Required Colors:
—ivory black
—permanent white
—burnt sienna
—yellow ochre
—alizarine red
—cadmium yellow
—linden green
—cadmium orange
—cadmium red
—burnt umber
* I like Windsor and Newton Designer Gouache

—Da Vince Red Sable Brushes (bright) sizes 4,6,8
—Da Vince Junior Synthetic Brushes (bright) size 4,6, 8
—Da Vince Bristle Brush (flat) size 6
—Cottonwood Arts 5×7 Laminated Coldpress block (10 sheets) (2 blocks)
-Cottonwood Arts B2 Cold Press notebook 9×12
-Aquarelle Coldpress -watercolor block 300g/m2- 140 lb 10x14in
—Sketching pencil- Colerase (blue or any not so bright color)
—regular sketch book around 8×12” (any brand such as Canson, Cachet, Blick, Cottonwood
—Tombow pens N75, N 65
—sketching pen, (Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen, black- fine nib or any fine nib black pen)
—plastic cup for water
—paper towels
—small travel chair
—optional: painting easel (Blick French Easel, guerrilla poached box, any cheaper option you can find)

Oils Materials List:

Required Colors:
-Titanium White
-Cadmium Yellow Pale
-Cadmium Red Light
-Ultramarine Blue
-Yellow Ochre
-Burnt Sienna
-Alizarin Crimson
-Viridian Green
*Winsor and Newton is a good brand. So is Rembrandt. Just avoid student grade paint
as they are extremely weak in pigment and frustrating to work with.

-BRUSHES-Robert Simmons Signet Flat (not brights) Size #3, #5, #7
-CANVAS BOARDS OR PANELS (make sure either one is primed)-Sizes: 6×8, 8×10,
-MINERAL SPIRITS (for cleaning brushes and thinning paint). Gamsol is a good choice.
-CONTAINER TO HOLD MINERAL SPIRITS (an airtight jar with a convex piece of mesh
wire at the bottom is a cheap solution).
-PORTABLE EASEL-I have a limited supply that I can let students borrow (first to contact
me, will be the first served).
-PALETTE-either wood, glass, or disposable wax paper pad.
-OTHER – hat, sunscreen, water, palette knife, camera, bug repellent, sketchbook, pens,
pencils, viewfinder

If you have any questions, contact Alyce in the office: 800-799-6368 or

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